Monday, January 14, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days- Day 13

"Sunset Palette"
in Oil on Museum Quality Panel
12" x 12"

Click here for purchase information.

Today I decided to share with you a sunset view from my deck. Every time I see a sunset like this, it reminds me of an artists palette. I am simply awed and amazed at the beauty of God's creative hand! I LOVE spending summer evenings out on the deck... enjoying a cup of coffee while the humming birds buzz past, and the clouds swirl around as the sun is setting. Regardless of what craziness might be going on in your life, taking time to watch the sunset is a great reminder of the bigger picture, and that each day is a precious, unrepeatable gift!

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
PSALM 118:24


  1. I really like that you added some light to the trees. Your sky colors are beautiful!

  2. Thanks Sue..I just love a colorful sunset! : )

  3. Lovely sky! Thank for showing us the reference photo too. Just beautiful.


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