Friday, January 4, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days- Day 3

"Aloha Snowman"
8" x 6" in Oil on Museum Quality Panel

Click here for purchase information.

Here we are at day 3 and I am sticking with the winter theme so far. I mentioned yesterday that we would be going outside to build a snowman for today's painting. We got all bundled up, picked out our snowman's fashion accessories, and headed out to find the perfect spot in the yard. As I bent down to scoop up the first ball of snow it crumbled in my was POWDER...great for skiing but doesn't make much of a snowman. Since we were already bundled up, we decided to make a snow angel and went sledding instead!

As for today's painting, I used an old photo from a few years ago. It was late into Winter and I was dreaming of visiting warmer places (Hawaii) and wishing the snow would just hurry up and melt away. But it didn't, so as the saying goes.."If you can't beat em, join em!" We dug out whatever tropical garb we could find and sent our snowman on vacation instead. : )

It's ironic that I'm not much of a cold weather person, but I've lived on a ski hill for the past 8 years..Go figure.
This just might be the year of change and warmer destinations... stay tuned for more information on that! 

I will leave you with two questions, if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Have a great day!

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