Friday, January 18, 2013

30 Paintings in 30 Days- Day 17

"Garden Bunch"
in Oil on Museum Quality Panel
8" x 8"
Click here for purchase information.

It's day 17 and I was soooo tired today from lack of sleep last night. For some reason...Ida know..maybe this crazy challenge or maybe our recent house guest (see below) I kept dreaming that my paintings were getting smudged and oil paint was getting clothes, hair, the couch. Of course this "half sleep" continued for several hours and at 3am I was done trying to sleep. With only four hours of sleep, the coffee just wouldn't kick in, so I was draaaaging.
So I declared today a flower painting you know, flowers come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Basically you can make up your own flower, like the Byzalia, and no one would ever know. ;) Bottom line, no major detail or concentration required to pull off a bouquet. Or so I thought. Today the magic was not happening and I was disappointed with the results. Not to mentioned a little concerned about what in the world I was going to post for today's challenge!!! I was just moments from scraping this painting, but before wiping it clean I decided to step back, take a break and go eat dinner. This allowed me to clear my head and come back to the easel with a fresh perspective. With a little tweaking and re-shaping it I think it came together okay. I also manged to keep my clothes, hair and even the couch clean!

Recent house guest might have used his ninja skills to open my CLOSED door. Then he might have stepped on one of the 10 or so wet paintings that were sitting on my art desk to dry. 

He might have also left behind some blues evidence...guess he's not much of a ninja after all! Thank Goodness he didn't use ALL of the paintings as cobblestones!!!

It's a good thing he's cute, because it's reeeealllly cold OUTSIDE!

Sweet Dreams Friends!

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