Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Starry Night

                        "Starry Night"

Well here it is.. our 4 part series of paintings have resulted in a completed masterpiece! 

This was such a fun project and Ms. Evelyn Jayne Brewer is an amazing student! We had a really great time working together and we both learned a lot. I absolutely love children's art and the way they express themselves so freely. Painting with a child is actually a really great way to loosen up your brush strokes and let your imagination go. If you have never tried it I would highly recommend you give it a try! 
This piece with it's rhythmically swirling forms and bold patterns reminds me not only of how a child might view the world, but also how creative our God was when He masterfully placed each star in the sky!

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

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P.S. Thank You Evie...I Love You!


  1. It reminds me on the original painting of Vincent van Gogh 'The Starry Night'

  2. Hi Hilje,

    This was a four part series of panels I completed with my ten year old daughter. She has loved Van Gogh since she was a toddler, so we decided to do a reproduction of one of his most famous paintings. The finished painting is 24" x 24" and is now hanging above her desk. : )


I'd really love to read your comments, suggestions, or feedback. Thanks for taking the time to drop me a line! : )