Monday, February 4, 2013

The Art of Life

 "So Precious"
 "Bright Eyes"
 "Peaceful Moment"
 "Sweet Feet"
 "Feeling Blessed"
 "Grandma's First Kiss"
"3 Generations"

Loraina Marie O'Neill
7lbs. 4oz

For those of you who have been following my blog you know we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our granddaughter. We were camped out at my daughter's house for two weeks as she had sporadic contractions throughout. It was a hectic time between trying to complete a painting every day for the 30 day challenge, homeschooling away from home, chasing after my 2 year old grandson and sleep deprivation due to sleeping on an air mattress! 
Little Lolo decided that she didn't want grandma to miss a day of painting so she waited patiently until the very end. Of course all of the hubbub was worth it and on Friday morning we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

I realize this is not a blog about a painting, but it is definitely about life's greatest work of art..and I did play a part in this creation. ; )

Have a wonderful evening!


  1. So glad I found your website and blog!! Your paintings are so vibrant and beautiful!
    And congratulations on your new grand-baby!!
    An artist and a new baby to is good!!!

  2. Thank you Joanne...Yes, Life is Great! : )


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